"Playing Video Games in Search of Utopia"

Date: Thursday, Apr 20, 2023
Start time: 7:00 p.m.
End time: 8:30 p.m.
Location: Hibbs Hall 303, 900 Park Ave., Richmond, VA 23284
Audience: Open to the public
What is a game? For many people, games are harmless diversions that allow you to pass the time. But for philosophers, games are serious business. In this talk, Dr. Andrew Kissel surveys approaches to the metaphysics of games drawn from contemporary philosophy. As it turns out, some video games are neither video NOR games! But when they are games, they’re essential components of the primary purpose of human life.
Sponsor(s): VCU Philosophy Department, College of Humanities and Sciences
Event contact: Andrew Moon, amoon@vcu.edu